Rose and the Vampires has been pommeled by bad reviews. Readers either love it or hate it, with no in-betweens. The latest review gave it 2 stars, which is devastating to the overall average since there are only 16 reviews. The review is posted below.
2-Star Review
I must begin by saying that this sort of book is not my cup of tea. It is well-written, and that is to the author’s credit. It is not a clean book by any means, but that alone is not what puts me off to this book. The trope of a person being abducted by someone more powerful and then coming to identify with her abductors is over used. The frequent descriptive sex/rape scenes were off putting to me personally, but the Stockholm Syndrome of the main character was as well, combined with the idea that the reader seemed to be expected to go along with the idea that just identifying with the kidnappers was okay, and not just the main character’s coping strategy in order to survive. A person who has ever been a victim of human trafficking would be deeply triggered by this book. Again, though, the author’s skill is very high. People who are not put off by the content of this book, would likely enjoy it.
5-Star Review of the same book.
I must say that when I decided to read and review this book, I was really on the fence about whether or not I was making a wise decision. There are triggers in this book involving violence towards women and rape so, for anyone who has a problem reading stories with that type of content I would advise you not to pick this one up. Now, that being said, I am honestly floored. I thought this story was absolutely amazing!! It is very well written and flows smoothly. I usually do not like books that are all about sex and violence and such, which I must admit, I went into this storyline believing that is all it was going to be, but I do love my vampire stories, so I forged ahead. I was blown away though, yes, there is sex and violence, but it is so much more as well. I fell into a whole new world that opened new possibilities in my imagination about vampires and witches. I’m not going to give any spoilers here though. I just urge you to pick it up and read it for yourself. I am absolutely looking forward to the second book in this series.
Rose and the Vampires is based on a popular trope: girl gets kidnapped by vampires. She becomes a victim doing all she can to survive. However, it’s clear that some readers are not sympathetic to this trope. They want everything clean, rosy, and well-ordered. My books obviously are not for them.
So, Rose needs your help! She needs reviews done by lovers of the genre. If the topic is not suitable to you, please, pass on this novel. It’s not fair to the author to purposely choose a genre you dislike and give it a negative review on the basis of your dislike of the topic. The book’s blurb is very clear on its subject matter.
If you are interested in reviewing this novel, please e-mail me at the address given below the blurb. I will gladly send you a download link to the book through Bookfunnel.

Rose, a trendy but naïve Miami girl, is seduced and kidnapped to a private island in the Caribbean. She learns that her rare blood makes her a prized commodity to vampires. She is to join the Sisterhood, an elite, mysterious group of gifted females who are blood-bonded to serve the vampires as companions through the ages. Faced with the daunting duality of her captors, their terrifying savagery and their intensely erotic powers of seduction, Rose chooses to survive at any cost.
This book is not suitable for younger readers or those adults who object to scenes of violence, strong sexual content, reverse harem themes, and taboo topics.
If you are interested in reviewing Rose and the Vampires, email me at the following address.